Thursday, October 2, 2014

Throwback Thursday: A Man Behind the Music

This October, the Smithsonian Collections Blog is celebrating American Archives Month with a month-long blogathon! We will be posting new content almost every weekday with the theme Discover and Connect. See additional posts from our other participating blogs, as well as related events and resources, on the Smithsonian’s Archives Month website.

Lee Hays with Harold Leventhal, Ronnie Gilbert in background, 1951. Lee Hays Papers, Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections.
In the Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections one cannot go far without encountering the name Harold Leventhal, and the Lee Hays Papers are no exception.  Leventhal was a prominent music manager who worked and held close friendships with many musicians of the Folk Revival throughout the latter half of the 20th century.  He is pictured here (right) in 1951 with Lee Hays, the bass singer of The Weavers.  The Lee Hays Papers are currently being digitized in their entirety.

Nichole Procopenko
Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections

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