Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October is American Archives Month: Discover and Connect

Photo by Rachel Menyuk

For some people the month of October elicits excitement over pumpkins and apple cider but for archivists it means we get an excuse to celebrate the work we do every day for 31 days! For the fourth year in a row, the Smithsonian Collections Blog will participate in American Archives Month by holding a month-long blogathon. In past years we have focused on true stories in the archives and revealing hidden treasures. This year we are looking outward with our theme of Discover and Connect

Now more than ever social media has become an integral part of how archivists connect with the public. Blogs like this one allow archivists to highlight newly processed collections as well as discoveries within older collections. These posts then make their way to various Smithsonian Facebook pages and Twitter feeds reaching a far greater audience than ever before. With more of our collections going digital every day the relationships we build between researchers, archivists and source communities become increasingly important in maintaining the context and integrity of the original materials. 

This month we’re looking forward to sharing the exciting ways archives professionals connect with the public—and the materials that make our work matter to you!

For more about the Smithsonian's Archives Month activities, check out the official page here.

Rachel Menyuk, Archives Technician
National Museum of the American Indian Archive Center

Cecilia Peterson, Digitization Archivist
Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections

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