Friday, October 31, 2014

Flashback Friday: Dumpsters Part Deux

This October, the Smithsonian Collections Blog is celebrating American Archives Month with a month-long blogathon! We will be posting new content almost every weekday with the theme Discover and Connect. See additional posts from our other participating blogs, as well as related events and resources, on the Smithsonian’s Archives Month website.

Things get lost. Sometimes it is something big like your wallet or dog.  Other times it is not being able to find your keys before going to work.  Sometimes it is history, or memory, be it family or institutional.

In this case, it was a sign that once graced the Freer Museum’s façade and was subsequently saved from a trash can.  Recently, we acquired a gift of photographs and other behind-the-scenes material from the early days of the Freer|Sackler Museum.

Combing through the materials, a pleasant surprise came to light.

The Freer Sign can be seen in the lower right of this photograph.

The above photograph finally confirms the exact location of the salvaged Freer sign when it adorned the museum.

We never knew exactly where the sign had been as that institutional knowledge had been lost to time. Sometimes happy accidents happen and things that were once lost are restored.

If you want to know more about the Freer sign, please read Dumpsters are Fun.

Lara Amrod, Archivist
Freer|Sackler Archives

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